Avrupamızda Birliği Erasmus Programı tarafından finanse edilen 2020-1-LT01-KA229-077875_3 proje konuları 'Özel Eğitim Öğrencileri Engelleri Sanat Terapisiyle Aşar' adlı Erasmus+KA229 projesi yürütülmektedir.Projede Türkiye,Litvanya ,Estonya'dan okulları yerİtalYunanistan ve Romanya'dan okulları yer almaktadır.
, 7 WIRE BRACELET Visually impaired children have discovered a new passion. 7 wire bracelet. they are so delighted that they want to teach this to their friends too, and maybe, who knows, from a passion, maybe it becomes a new business, and maybe a source of income. We thank our friends from Turkey for this macrame thread weaving technique, different from those practiced by our children -
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