
Showing posts with the label games


,    7 WIRE BRACELET Visually impaired children have discovered a new passion.  7 wire bracelet. they are so delighted that they want to teach this to their friends too, and maybe,    who knows, from a passion, maybe it becomes a new business, and maybe a source of income. We thank our friends from Turkey for this macrame thread weaving technique, different from those practiced by our children -

Childhood games - hopscotch

 Any outdoor activity is welcome for all children, but especially for those with visual impairments. They are encouraged to get out of their comfort zone, to dare to play with other children, enjoying the benefits of fresh air and warm sun. At the same time, all the senses are trained - hearing - sounds from the environment - birds, the noises of the city, the voices of colleagues and teachers , touch- chalk, leaves, asphalt, ground , dust ,    the smell - the scent of flowers, air, breeze, food,  the taste - even water is more alive, the sight  - the visual remainder is trained, which is intensified by natural sunlight